Written by DFCP News
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 19:29 |
Susan Muroyiwa body repatriation from USA to Zimbabwe appeal.
Chiwoneso Mpofu Furusa and Muroyiwa family are applealing US$11, 000 on both Go Fund Me and You Caring to repatriate Susan Muroyiwa to Zimbabwe for burial. Popularily known as Gogo Muroyiwa (mbuya a Tira in one Zim drama - Tiraburu), Susan Muroyiwa died on 20 March 2015 in USA.

Gogo Muroyiwa was born on Feb 23rd 1944 in Gweru, Zimbabwe. She taught primary students for more than 35 years before she retired and started working for ZBC KidsNet. She also featured as Mbuya va Tira in a TV drama called “Tiraburu” and also in another TV drama called “The Devil.” Her passion was taking care of orphans, which she did throughout her lifetime till she was medically incapacitated and was brought here for treatment. She is survived by her 3 daughters Chiwoneso, Fungai and Thabeth, 8 grandchildren, and brother Silas Muroyiwa.
Chiwoneso Mpofu Furusa (Chichi), a registered nurse in the USA, left for Zimbabwe in November 2014 to visit her mother, Susan Muroyiwa who was admitted in Intensive Care Unit in a Harare hospital. Because of her mother's health, Chichi stayed in Zimbabwe for 3 months, something she had not anticipated. She found it difficulty to leave her mother in the condition she was in.
In February Chichi decided to take her mother to USA where Chichi was praying that with advanced health and technology her mom would recover. Ms Susan was admitted at a hospital in Savannah GA, but unfortunately she did not make it and eventually passed away on March 20, 2015. Chichi had only been back at work for a week, hence can not raise any funeral funds without your support.
The quotation to repatriate the body home is about $9000 US excluding Chichi's airfare. A total of about $11,000.00 is needed to cover the repatriation costs and travelling expenses.