AN estimated 400 bodies of dead Zimbabweans are repatriated into the country every month from South Africa, with most of the deaths being a result of murder, the has reported.
Although Zimbabweans also die in many parts of the Diaspora, their deaths south of the Limpopo River are way more than in other countries.
The cost of repatriation from SA to Zimbabwe ranges from just under US$1, 000 to about US1, 500. Under the Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan cover it only costs US$5.47 per month to cover a 40 year onl male or female. Below are some premium examples:

The bespoke is available to every Zimbabwean worldwide including those in Zimbabwe and offers a host of benefits which include but not limited to:
- Guaranteed acceptance with no medicals at all,
- Immediate cash pay-out on proof of death,
- Up to US$20, 000 cover per life,
- US$ denominated cover for life
- Worldwide cover, it's a protection without borders
- Cover yourself! Cover your loved ones!
- Cover as Individual, Family or Group
- Whole of life cover – it’s a cover for life
- Gifted FREE cover - you only pay premiums for 20 years after which you remain covered for free for life
- Worldwide Standing Orders Direct Debits for premium payments
Guaranteeing your dignified send-off!
Our WhatsApp: +44 783 2244 892 /+263 776 298 912 / +27 746 618 971.
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