Home How To Make A Claim

How to Claim

How to Make a Claim on your Policy:

If you've recently lost someone close to you, please accept our condolences. Dealing with a death in the family is one of the hardest things many of us will face. At MLife we understand that a funeral cash plan claim is always made at a very emotional and difficult time for the family. That's why we have tried to make things as easy as possible for you.

Our claims process has been set up so that we can get your claims payment to you as soon as possible – usually within 24 hours of us receiving all the completed claims requirements - with as little stress as possible at this difficult time.

To make a claim just follow these three steps:

A. Simply call or email to let us know that you'll be making a claim. We can then help you by stopping the collection of premiums for the policy until the claim has been processed:


DFCP Claims Department
Dar-es-Salaam Place
Cairo Road, Lusaka 


Tel: +260 211 233112/13
WhatsApp: +260 975 992 517
Fax +260 211 233936

eMail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

You can contact any of our offices worldwide who will happily guide you with the claim process.

B. Collect together the following support documents:

  • A Completed Claim Form – The plan-owner would claim if its death of anyone covered on their policy. If it's the plan-owner affected then the person appointed as Principal Beneficiary should sign the Claim Form. In the event that s/he is not also deceased or is incapacitated then Secondary Beneficiary should make the claim. Principal Beneficiary can only make a valid claim if the plan-owner is deceased or incapacitated and equally a Secondary Beneficiary can only make a valid claim if both plan-owner and Principal Beneficiary are both deceased or incapacitated,
  • Evidence of death (any one of the following documents or similar depending on country of death: Death Certificate, Burial Order, Police accident report confirming death, or Letter from Headman or Chief in case of rural deaths)
  • Proof of Beneficiary's Identity e.g. Birth Certificate, Passport, Driving Licence, or National ID

C. Once you have these items, if possible, fax a copy of them to us so we can get the claims process underway. Alternatively, you can scan the documents and email them to us.

Once your claim has been processed, if there are any other people insured on the policy, we'll make sure the necessary amendments are made, and send a new set of policy documents.


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