To talk someone about Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan, please feel free to contact any of our offices below and our staff would be very happy to assist.
Country |
Contact |
ZAMBIA & Africa |
Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan, Zambia Madison Life Insurance Company Zambia Ltd (Mlife) Dar-es-Salam Place South of Main Post Office Cairo Road P O Box 33384 Lusaka Zambia
Mob / Whatsapp: +260 975 992 517
Tel: +260 211 233 112/3 or +260 211 233 943/4
Fax: +260 211 233 936
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UK & Rest Of World |
Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan, UK, Europe, Americas & Rest Of World
Mob/WhatsApp: +44 770 3838 304 Office: +44 121 295 1116 Fax: +44 121 295 1213
Call on skype for free ID: FuneralCashPlan