DFCP at Tuku Zahara Show
Written by DFCP News
Sunday 19 April 2015 13:17
Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan had as very successful exhibition at both Tuku Zahara shows in London and Birmingham on 3rd and 4th Apr 2015.

The bespoke DiasporaFuneralCashPlan.com is available to every Zimbabwean worldwide including those in Zimbabwe and offers a host of benefits which include but not limited to:
>Guaranteed acceptance with no medicals at all,
>Immediate cash pay-out on proof of death
>Up to US$20, 000 cover per life. maximum of $5, 000 for applicants in SADC region,
>US$ denominated policy
>Worldwide cover, it's a protection without borders
>Cover yourself! Cover your loved ones!
>Cover as Individual, Family or Group,
>Pay by Direct Debit/Standing Order
>Whole of life cover, it's a cover for life,
>Gifted free cover - you only pay premiums for 20 years after which you remain covered for FREE,
>Your dignified send off - Guaranteed!
24/7 Online Quote & Apply on DiasporaFuneralCashPlan.com or contact us Mob/Whatsapp: +447832244892 | +27746618971 | +263776298912 Office: +441212951116 | +27325860339 | +263701176-91